Morning all,

As many of you are aware, we have been having issues with comments over the past few days. In addition, last night, a glitch wiped the comments database. Thankfully I have a backup so no comments have been lost.

However, these comments need to be readded into the database, and work needs to begin on restoring the proper functionality where comments are added normally.

As a result, comments are temporarily disabled, and whilst the site will be able to be read, no comments can be made. Obviously during this time (until things are fixed), no new posts will go up as AVL without comments is a shadow of what it normally is.

Thankfully, due to the fact that our site is now supported externally, work can continue of fixing the issues whilst I am continuing my day job.

I’ll put up a new post once the problems are fixed. In the meantime, many thanks for your patience and ongoing support of AVL.

Matt Turvey – Owner